The help center located via can be utilized in a few different ways.
1. You can click any topic along the left and search and select FAQ articles that may answer your question(s).
2. You may rather run a search of your question along the top search bar. Simply type your question or key word - this will serve you a list of top related FAQ articles. Please select the best fit that appears within the drop down. If you press enter after your search you may see more results than the topic suggested.
3. If none of our Frequently Asked Questions (and answers) pertains to your inquiry, and/or you would like to contact Medscape's Support... please click the 'Contact Us' button located on any help center page. Please ensure a corresponding category is selected when clicking the 'Contact Us' button to ensure your inquiry is routed to the correct queue.
Account Access = login issues & registration
Update my Profile = Changes to Profile; changing name, email, merging accounts, and cancelling account or/or globally opting out of all emails.
Websites other than Medscape = This includes other Medscape Network sites that you have a question about - example, Univadis, MDedge, etc.
(The rest we feel is pretty self explanatory) (we hope)
Please note, if you would like to read out help center in a language other than English, we suggest using the Chrome browser. Once you have opened in Chrome, right-click anywhere on the page. Then, click Translate to [Language].*