Below are some, but not all resources available on Medscape regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. Please search by keyword on our site or Google for Medscape+COVID-19 vaccine to find up to date content.
However, we hope the following helps you navigate some of our resources on this important topic:
- COVID-19 Vaccine in our Drugs and Disease Section: https://emedicine. overview#a1 - State-by-State Guide to COVID-19 Vaccine Information:
viewarticle/943231 - COVID-19 Vaccine Q & A: https://emedicine.medscape.
com/article/2500139-questions- and-answers - CME Education on COVID-19 Vaccine: https://search. 20vaccine&plr=edu&page=1 - News and Perspective articles on COVID-19 Vaccine: https://search. 20vaccine&plr=nws&page=1 - COVID-19 Vaccine Comment Wall: https://www.medscape.
com/sites/public/covid-19/ vaccine-insights/what-is- biggest-challenge-to- successful-vaccine-rollout