If your status says "Completed - Reward Claimed" this means you have completed the survey and have already received your remuneration code from Medscape. If you misplaced this code, please click the "Contact Us" bottom on this page, and we will be glad to help.
Want a break down of the statuses? Please see below:
- Completed - Pending approval. This means your status shows as completed, however it is going through the approval process. If accepted/approved, you will move to the completed- approved status.
- Completed – Responses not approved. While you completed all of the questions, the content of the answers were deemed unacceptable by our client.
- Completed - Approved. You will be paid for completing the survey.
- Completed –Reward Available The gift code and funds are available for you to claim, and you need to obtain your code, by clicking "claim" via your payment email.
- Completed - Reward Claimed. The gift code was claimed. You have received your gift code from Medscape and this is the final payment status. This does not mean you have actually used it on Amazon etc., it simply means you have received the code from Medscape. If you misplaced the code, please click the "contact us" on this page.