11/15/23, we are aware CME History has disappeared from the Medscape app CME section. Our technical teams are actively working on the fix. While the history does not show on the app, both our mobile website and desktop website trackers are functioning. We hope to have the App fixed soon. Thank you for your patience.
Updated 8/2/23 as we will release a new version of the CME tracker this week:
You can view or print your certificates at any time by going directly to your Tracker Completed page at https://www.medscape.org/activitytracker/completed?trackercomplete and there will be a Generate PDF option on the top right. Alternatively, you can click on View All from your completed section in your activity tracker to access the same page.
Please note: To save as a PDF you will need to do this from your computer - this can not be done via the App or mobile browser.
Older version:
To access your CME Tracker on a mobile device, go to www.medscape.org/activitytracker on your mobile browser. You may also access the CME Tracker from Medscape's iOS and Android apps by selecting the menu options.
Please note: To save as a PDF you will need to do this from your computer - this can not be done via the App or mobile browser.