First please try the following:
1. Log into You will know if you’re logged in by seeing your first initial and last name in the upper-right corner.
2. From the homepage click on Medscape CME which is located on the upper-left corner. You can also go directly to
3. On that page click on CME Tracker in the upper-right corner.
4. Go to “Total Credits Earned from” and change the date to reflect the time in which you completed earlier activities. Click the “Change Date Range” button and you should see your total credits for that time period.
Any CME activities that you have completed on the Medscape site will show up in the tracker.
If you see some, but not all of your CME/CE credits in your Tracker, or if you are seeing a different Education Tracker on the Medscape app as opposed to the Medscape site, then it is possible that you may have created more than one Medscape account. If you believe this to be the case, please select 'Contact Us' at the top of this page, and select the 'Update My Profile' category and 'Other Profile Changes' subcategory. Please include as many of the following details as possible:
- Any email addresses you may have used when registering (whether a currently valid email or not)
- Your Medscape username(s)
- The zip code/postal code you entered when registering
- Your full first and last name
- Your date of birth
- The profession and medical specialty you chose at registration
Once we are able to confirm that you are the owner of any duplicate accounts, we will merge them into your correct/current Medscape account to consolidate all information.