Updated 8/2/23 as we will release a new version of the CME tracker this week:
You can view or print your certificates at any time by going directly to your Tracker Completed page at https://www.medscape.org/activitytracker/completed?trackercomplete and clicking the Generate PDF button at the top right.
Older version of the tracker:
No. Medscape does not offer any options for mailing or emailing certificates, nor do we submit them to your board or institution.
Instead, you may print your earned CME/CE certificates via the Medscape CME/CE Tracker.
Your CME/CE Tracker will keep a record of all certificates you’ve earned.
You can view or print your certificates at any time by going directly to your Tracker at http://www.medscape.org/activitytracker.
Please note: To save as a PDF you will need to do this from your computer - this can not be done via the App.