The terms content preferences and specialty are currently used interchangeably within the different Medscape App platforms. This can lead to some confusion. Android uses will see the term ' Content Preferences' while, iOS users will see the option listed as 'Speciality. In reality, all App platforms shoud list this selection as 'Content Preferences', since specialities can only be changed via our website.
The 'specialty' cannot be updated on the Medscape App ; this can only be done via your online profile. To update your specialty, please refer to Changing specialty homepage
Via App, however, you may update the 'content preference' you are interested in reading. Please keep in mind that this selection will only be saved locally. Meaning, if you uninstall or sign out of the App, the content preference will revert to the original content selected on your profile - "Online profile always wins over the App".
When using an Android device, you will be able to change your content by selecting “Content Preferences” and selecting the specialty you wish to read about.